The Cantalien village of Massiac has a postcode that is... in the Haute Loire! Consequently, the postcode for Leyvaux is 43450. And that’s not all, as you have to go through the Haute Loire to get to the village of Leyvaux and its hamlets... A real headache for the postman! But it’s well worth the visit - the village is brimming with treasures!
This village owes its origins to a 12th-century priory. Listed as a Historic Monument, the church has a striking white colour and Gothic features resulting from the many alterations it has undergone.
Despite its squat appearance, there are a number of sculpted features worth noting, in particular the lintel decorated with strapwork surrounding a human head.
Its magnificent open bell tower, with exposed stonework and 6 openings spread over 2 storeys, is a reminder of the importance of bells in everyday life in centuries gone by.
Church of Leyvaux
The steep gorges leading to the village are an unspoilt setting for this small commune spanning 15 km².
The road leading to Leyvaux gives the impression of wandering off into the countryside, which makes the village very appealing.
The pure water of the stream that runs through it is home to a number of protected species. The Gorges de Leyvaux et d’Apcher hiking trail is a great way to enjoy these steep panoramas!
Panorama over the gorges
The Gorges de Leyvaux are home to the department’s only saltwater spring: The Ruisseau des trois sauts. This spring is home to a flora known as being “halophilic”, which thrives on salt. The remarkable flora present on the site includes several species that are rare in Auvergne, such as the Bessarabian Dandelion, Black-Grass Rush and Marsh Arrowgrass. All these plants must adapt to a highly alkaline soil (with a very high pH).
The gorges of Leyvaux
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