- Place de l'Hôtel de ville
15300 MURAT - +33 4 71 20 09 47
- contact@hautesterrestourisme.fr
Blue markings. Not suitable for mountain bikes.
Discover the high plateaus of Laurie and admire the views over the deep valley of the Sianne. At the bend in the path, you’ll catch a glimpse of the tumuli: mounds that bear witness to funerary customs dating back thousands of years.
-For your safety, please check the weather forecast before setting off on your hike. -To preserve the environment in which you are located, please avoid leaving garbage in nature. -Remember to take the appropriate equipment for the weather conditions and the hiking itinerary (hiking boots, water bottle, cap, sunglasses, jacket…).
All year round.
Subject to favorable weather.
Pets allowed
In the country
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